On the night of Wednesday 16 th March 2016, the most traumatic blow unfolded regarding the conspiracy towards removing the President Dilma Rousseff from her constitutional duties, for which the majority of Brazilian citizens elected her. That night the National Journal on TV Globo, displayed an illegal telephone recording from the Presidential Planalto Palace of a conversation between President Dilma and former President Lula. The recording was presented as if they were plotting on a way to protect Lula against the investigations of the operation "Lava Jato." Judge Sergio Moro who is ahead of the operation had leaked the recordings. It became a night of national uproar, when cooking pots and pans were beaten for open windows and people wearing red clothes were attacked in the streets around the country, red cars destroyed, Lula supporters beaten in São Paulo and so forth. A meltdown resulting in severe property and personal injury as well as...