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The Federal Supreme Court overrules the Constitution once and for all

 On the night of Wednesday 16th March 2016, the most traumatic blow unfolded regarding the conspiracy towards removing the President Dilma Rousseff from her constitutional duties, for which the majority of Brazilian citizens elected her.

That night the National Journal on TV Globo, displayed an illegal telephone recording from the Presidential Planalto Palace of a conversation between President Dilma and former President Lula. The recording was presented as if they were plotting on a way to protect Lula against the investigations of the operation "Lava Jato." Judge Sergio Moro who is ahead of the operation had leaked the recordings.

It became a night of national uproar, when cooking pots and pans were beaten for open windows and people wearing red clothes were attacked in the streets around the country, red cars destroyed, Lula supporters beaten in São Paulo and so forth.

A meltdown resulting in severe property and personal injury as well as grave offenses, which paved the way to promote the movement in favour of the impeachment.

It is noteworthy that such illegal acts committed by a judge and a TV station would be sufficient to charge probation, Article 312 of the Criminal Procedure Code, of the crime committed by the authors of the disclosure and illegal interception of the Planalto Palace phone. Once again the Presidency of the Republic institution and the Constitution had been violated.

Only on 13th June (nearly three months after the consummated illegal fact), the Supreme Court Minister, Teori Zavascki, recognized within the Complaint 23,457-PR, that judge Moro was "absolutely incompetent", when allowing the telephone tapping of president Dilma Rousseff, and Mr. Teori therefore nullified the recording.

After all the damage done, not only towards President Dilma Rousseff, who had her privacy invaded, but also towards the Presidential Republic Institution and towards the Brazilian Constitution; the Supreme Court merely pronounced their “smooth ruling” through one of its ministers. The Supreme Court has not as yet determined the criminal investigation or the disclosure of the conversation between Lula and President Dilma, as requested by the former president, much to the contrary. Instead of holding judge Sergio Moro responsible, Minister Teori Zavascki handed over to Mr. Moro, the destiny and the luck of Lula in the very same ruling, which means that Lula himself from now on, will be investigated and possibly become defendant and perhaps even condemned in the "Lava Jato."

As the conversations have made clear, which were recorded between Sergio Machado and the Speaker of the Senate Renan Calheiros as well as between Mr. Machado and senator Romero Juca and Jose Sarney, both the Supreme Court and the Attorney General of the Republic knew of the coup plots toward Dilma, since Machado’s confession was signed in March 2016. This was long before the impeachment voting in the Lower House 17th April and in the Senate 11th May, yet nothing was done to prevent the conspiracy.

The omission committed by both the Supreme Court and the Attorney General of the Republic makes it clear to the Brazilian people, that the institutions, which should guarantee the institutional order, actually helped overruling the 1988 Constitution. As such the Supreme Court and the Attorney General of the Republic both failed to disclose the serious facts of which they were aware in advance, such as the conversations recorded by Sergio Machado and the usurpation of jurisdiction committed by a judge.


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